Archive for June, 2016

There is magic above, just look up. Lot Airlines flight LO26, Warsaw-NYC (JFK), flying at 37,975′ passes United Airlines flight UA999, JFK-Brussels, which is at 34,975′. I photographed this at 7:34pm tonight, from my driveway in Winthrop. Scroll down for the very cool radar readout, courtesy of the very awesome


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Beautiful moon views and lightning bolts highlighted my week of photos.

Moonrise over Falmouth's Nobska Light.

Moonrise over Falmouth’s Nobska Light.


American Airlines jet leaves Boston’s Logan airport as the moon rises.


Lightning over Winthrop’s Point Shirley, Friday night.


A sailboat passes Boston Light.


A lightning bolt is seen over Revere’s Beachmont section.


Boston Light shines Tuesday night.

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My Boston brush with The Greatest, Muhammad Ali.

I photographed Muhammad Ali on the night of November 1, 1994, at Boston’s Park Plaza Hotel. I met the Boston Herald’s late/great boxing scribe, George Kimball in Ali’s room. His wife Lonnie was there, as was photographer and Ali biographer and confidant Howard Bingham and his mom, Willie, who I photographed hugging Ali. I did NOT know at the time that Howard was an accomplished/award-winning photographer. When it was time to leave, I gave the camera to Howard and told him where the button was to push and that the camera was pre-focussed. Everybody in the room laughed as Howard said: “I think I can handle it” 🙂

Rest in peace Muhammad Ali.


George Kimball with Muhammad Ali, and the Boston Herald sports back page of November 2, 1994.

The champ and I pose for a photo taken by Howard Bingham.

The champ and I pose for a photo taken by Howard Bingham.

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