Posts Tagged ‘Southwest’

Great weekend for Boston moon/aviation photos!

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday offered great glimpses of the moon as jet traffic flew by. First, Friday, a Swiss International Airbus A-330 cooperated, then Saturday, a departing British Airways Boeing 747 obliged, and then Sunday saw Boeing 737’s from South West and Sun Country. The weekend fun ended shortly before midnight last night, as a privately owned Moroccan jet charter by the name of Dalia Air, flew through at 35,000′.






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Last night’s moon and Jet traffic departing Boston.

I snapped these from #SomeWindowInWinthrop, late last night, as these jets were turning west somewhere near Scituate. The larger plane is UPS Fl 1013 from Boston to Louisville and the smaller plane is SouthWest airlines fl 975 to Baltimore. Both jets took off  over Winthrop but I needed to await that turn.

Mark Edwards/Splash News

Mark Edwards/Splash News

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